Indonesia, Safety on Road Traffict


PT Astra International encouraged to participate through a road safety campaign program "Indonesia, safety on road traffict". With this program Astra International invites people together to reduce the number of traffic accidents by running the traffic safety culture.


 In the event that there are three programs are implemented, the "Guidelines for Traffic Safety Lapse Customers". Where every customer who buys a product made ​​by PT Astra International Automotive will be given driving safety and riding hand book, its purpose as a guide for driving.


Second, guidelines for Community Traffic Safety Passed, this program of socialization seven traffic safety tips to the people who carried out through radio talk shows, social media content as well as special events.


And lastly, Traffic Safety Campaign Passes To Students at the School. In this program the employees of Astra Group sued as an ambassador for the ABI (Astra Share Sciences) that disseminate traffic safety to elementary school students, high school to college students. ABI is a manifestation of the spirit of the employees of Astra ASTRA to share in the nation.


"Group Astra has long been active in urging people to cultivate safety in traffic through a variety of activities, it is pushed out of the large number of traffic accidents that occurred in Indonesia," open Pongki Pamungkas, Chief of Corporate Communiactions, Security, Environment and Social Responsibility PT. Astra International, Tbk.


The plan, program Come, Indonesia Safe Passed the Cross will be held from April to December 2014 and will continue in 2015. Movements will be implemented by each business unit Astra


Dealers link list :
Suzuki Jogja
Toyota Jogja
Nissan Solo
Daihatsu Solo
Mitsubishi Jogja
Mitsubishi Semarang
Toyota Pekalongan